Wednesday, March 9, 2011

30 Days of Truth: Day 7

Day 7: Someone who has made your life worth living for.

That would be, of course, my fiance, Colin. We have been "officially" together 4 years on St. Paddy's Day. I say officially because this is the day he got me drunk and made me ask him out. Or at least that's how I tell the story. We went out on a drunk bus for St. Paddy's Day, both got obnoxiously drunk and I asked him in a slurred voice why were weren't going out yet. He told me it was because I hadn't asked him yet. I asked him a few times and got the same stupid answer; I got frustrated enough and finally just asked him. 

And he's continued to be a pain in my ass ever since..

We get along great (almost all of the time), we both have the same sick and twisted sense of humor not to mention he puts up with me!

I know this is kinda lighthearted because I don't feel like getting all emotional and sappy right now. I will save that for another night. He knows how much I love him ;)

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